中枢神経系作用としては,頭痛,眠気,運動失調,錯乱などがみられる。発疹 ..
病注 2)、眠気、振戦注 2)、しびれ(感) 注 2)、錯感覚
クラリスロマイシンを用いた試験では、米国の1つの睡眠クリニックから合計20人の被験者が参加し、そのうち10人は特発性過眠症だった。特発性過眠症の10人の情報のみをレビューに含めた。本試験では、クラリスロマイシンとプラセボを比較した。調査期間は5週間だったが、最初の2週間の情報のみを掲載した。その研究は、慈善団体であるAmerican Academy of Sleep Medicine Foundationから資金提供を受けていた。
カルボシステインで眠気が出た時の原因は? | お薬専門通販のミナカラ
クラリスロマイシン(クラリシッド、クラリス) – 呼吸器治療薬
We included three trials, with a total of 112 participants. Risk of bias was low for the included studies. Two pharmaceutical company‐sponsored trials compared modafinil with placebo, involving 102 participants, nearly all of whom had idiopathic hypersomnia without long sleep time. Modafinil significantly improved self‐reported sleepiness on the Epworth Sleepiness Scale by 5.08 points more than placebo (95% confidence interval (CI) 3.01 to 7.16; 2 studies, 101 participants; high‐certainty evidence). Modafinil also significantly improved disease severity on the Clinical Global Impression of Severity scale by 1.02 points (95% CI 0.11 to 1.93; 1 study, 30 participants; moderate‐certainty evidence) and resulted in a greater proportion of participants who were "much improved" or "very much improved" on the Clinical Global Impression of Change (odds ratio (OR) for improvement 5.14, 95% CI 1.76 to 15.00; 1 study, 70 participants; moderate‐certainty evidence). Ability to remain awake on the Maintenance of Wakefulness Test was significantly improved with modafinil, by 4.74 minutes more than with placebo (95% CI 2.46 to 7.01; 2 studies, 99 participants; high‐certainty evidence). Ratings of exhaustion and effectiveness/performance were improved with modafinil compared to placebo in one study. Number of naps per week was no different between modafinil and placebo across two studies. Participants receiving modafinil experienced more side effects, although the difference did not reach statistical significance (OR 1.68, 95% CI 0.28 to 9.94; 2 studies, 102 participants; low‐certainty evidence).
主な副作用のひとつに眠気があり、1%以上の頻度で報告されています。 解説
精神神経系:(頻度不明)頭痛、めまい、眠気、痙攣、耳鳴、幻覚、興奮、口渇 ..
クラリスロマイシンを用いた試験では、米国の1つの睡眠クリニックから合計20人の被験者が参加し、そのうち10人は特発性過眠症だった。特発性過眠症の10人の情報のみをレビューに含めた。本試験では、クラリスロマイシンとプラセボを比較した。調査期間は5週間だったが、最初の2週間の情報のみを掲載した。その研究は、慈善団体であるAmerican Academy of Sleep Medicine Foundationから資金提供を受けていた。
眠気・悪心・嘔吐・めまい等>があらわれることがある(本剤の代謝酵素誘導 ..
さて、平成 19 年 3 月 27 日付でクラリスロマイシン錠 200「TCK」の「用法 ..
There are limited data to guide treatment decisions for people with idiopathic hypersomnia. The existing data are strongest in support of modafinil, which is beneficial for key symptoms. In cases in which modafinil is insufficient to control symptoms or results in problematic side effects, the current data do not define which treatment should be considered as second line, therefore a number of different options may be reasonable based on clinical judgement.
の項に「脱毛、 頻尿」を追記し、以下のように改めました。 (該当部分のみ抜粋)
The cause of idiopathic hypersomnia remains unknown, although abnormalities of sleep macro‐ and microstructure have been noted (; ). Idiopathic hypersomnia, especially that without long nocturnal sleep times, shares many clinical similarities with narcolepsy without cataplexy (narcolepsy type 2), and the two disorders may be indistinguishable except for findings on the Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) (). At least two major diagnostic classification schema, the International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD) and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), have published diagnostic guidelines for this entity, although the diagnostic criteria in the two systems are not identical. The currently preferred terminology is 'idiopathic hypersomnia' in the ICSD, third edition, and 'hypersomnolence disorder' in the DSM‐5. Other previously used terms include idiopathic central nervous system hypersomnolence, non‐rapid eye movement (NREM) narcolepsy, NREM hypersomnia, primary hypersomnia, and hypersomnia with sleep drunkenness. Hypersomnia disorder (DSM‐IV) has a population prevalence of 0.5% in the USA ().
クラリスロマイシンがスボレキサントの代謝を邪魔してしまうことで ..
Amphetamines both increase the release of and block the reuptake of monoaminergic neurotransmitters (i.e. dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin). Their effects on dopaminergic neurotransmission are particularly important for promoting wakefulness (; ). Multiple potential mechanisms of action have been proposed for modafinil, including effects on dopaminergic neurotransmission (; ). The alerting potential of mazindol and bupropion may also be related to their actions as dopamine reuptake inhibitors (). Histamine H3 antagonists/inverse agonists promote wakefulness by increasing central nervous system histamine levels (). The mechanism by which agonists of GABA‐B/gamma hydroxybutyrate reduce sleepiness is not known, although deep sleep is increased (). Levothyroxine might improve alertness via hormonal effects, or by increasing central nervous system histamine levels (). Because people with idiopathic hypersomnia tend to have a circadian phase delay, evening use of melatonin has been proposed as a method of advancing the circadian rhythm and improving sleep inertia (). GABA‐A antagonists have been used in people with idiopathic hypersomnia, based on the finding of a positive allosteric modulator of GABA‐A receptors within the cerebrospinal fluid of people who have hypersomnolence (), and the known sleep‐promoting effects of the GABA‐A system ().
このためCYP3Aの働きに関係するお薬には、併用に注意が必要です。 【併用注意:CYP3Aを阻害するお薬】
There are currently no medications approved for the treatment of idiopathic hypersomnia by the US Food and Drug Administration, thus all pharmacologic treatment of people with idiopathic hypersomnia in the USA is 'off‐label.' The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has explicitly stated that modafinil should only be used in people with narcolepsy, not in those with idiopathic hypersomnia (), although modafinil is one of the medications recommended for the treatment of idiopathic hypersomnia in expert consensus guidelines (). As a result of this disagreement and lack of regulatory approval, clinical decision‐making regarding treatment of idiopathic hypersomnia can be challenging. Furthermore, medications used for the treatment of idiopathic hypersomnia carry the risk of serious side effects or medication interactions, including, but not limited to, addiction (amphetamines), respiratory depression or coma (sodium oxybate), superinfection and antibiotic resistance (the GABA‐A receptor antagonist clarithromycin), and reduced efficacy of hormonal birth control (modafinil, armodafinil) (; ). People with idiopathic hypersomnia and prescribers must carefully weigh the trade‐offs of risk and benefit when choosing a treatment option.